If I were a man with but one choice
and held this moment true, would I book the next flight out or choose to stay with you? I’m waiting with baited breath, to hear the words you say. Will they anchor me to where I stand or push me far away? I see it in your face, the anger that you bear, wrestling with those troubling words, that only you can hear. Your silence now is broken with words you need to say. They hold the air like dense, gray fog, as I begin to pray. Your words are mixed and troubling, they fall hard against my ears. They unsettle me, I am unarmed, they bring me almost to tears. The words you say, weigh heavily on my mind, one sound bite at a time, they cross that sacred line. Choose your words carefully don’t be pit bull cruel. Your anger is all about me, it has nothing to do with you. You can slice it or dice it, I’m not your broken mule, don’t beat me over the head with a dirty garden tool. How cruel! How cruel!
Don’t let them get to you
Chill, let it go You’re letting them wear you down They’re stripping the innocence from your soul They’re grinding you into the ground You best look in the mirror Cleanse the grime from your face Take some time and calm yourself It’s time to leave their cruel rat race This world is not a gentle place It doesn’t care who’s left behind Your beauty carries you through the day But the nights, they’re not so kind Chill, let it go Shake it off like newly fallen snow Don’t let the trials of the day bore into you Or peel your armor away Stand firm, and never leave room to doubt That you were true to yourself at the end of each day You’re trying too hard, much too hard To show how strong you are You needn’t be who you’re not Don’t let anyone put you in a box You are gentle-spirited, pure of mind With a sense for a life and a desire for fun The world can be a tough place With millions of people all about Running to and fro in a crazy rat race Just to be heard you must often shout It’s made you want to hide So, you’ve built up your walls You’ve locked yourself inside It’s hard to break through You don’t let me enter, I don’t have a clue We weren’t meant to be alone With no one to care and greet us at home You’re my love, you’ll always be There’s nothing more to be said I wrap myself in the comfort of your arms And accompany you to bed But, the morning came too quickly I woke up and you were gone A note on the pillow left me feeling a bit sickly “The world’s taken a bite out of me, I’ll not see you again, it’s time for me to move on Chill, let me go” You tell me you don’t love yourself,
you said, your head’s in the clouds, that you can’t catch a breath of clean air. I’m sorry but I just can’t help you here. You’re too hard on yourself you need to give yourself a rest there’s just no reason to push as hard as you do. Everything is not a test. It’s not you against the world, no, that’s not the truth, you see. You’ll never, ever be alone as long as your world has me. I can’t cure all your ills I never promised that I could. I’m just as vulnerable as you; where you stand now, I once stood. Pull back your shoulders, grab a deep breath ponder your future, not what you’ve left. As the sun replaces the moon, never failing to shine, I tell you, you’ll be alright, yes, you’ll be just fine. You tell me that you don’t love yourself, you said you’re anxious pushed over by the slightest of winds, constantly falling to a plethora of tears. Don’t think for one minute your words fall on deaf ears. I can’t cure what’s ailing you, only you hold that power. I’m trying to do the best I can I don’t have my head buried in the sand I will never leave you; I’ll be your strong tower. These feelings that you’re trying to hide, surrender them, cast them aside. You are safe here with me, let your true self show. Silence the lies and let love for yourself flow. You’re worth all the love, I can give you believe me I know, I know, yes, I know. He lives with a poet in his head.
He didn’t hear one word you said, he plays to an audience of a different kind his words, thoughtful and full blown layer one over another, like seeds being sown. They fall into phrases that capture them all as he scrambles to pen them in his harried scrawl. He saunters around his feet not quite on the ground. I see him mostly at night, all around the town going who knows where, preoccupied with an eerie stare. He walks like a man possessed his thoughts kept guarded, close to his chest. The witching hours, those few everyday when he just needs to break away, find him wandering about to sort things out and deal with the clutter in his head. Not a word to anyone has he said; quietly snuffed out like a flame, he disappears back whence he came He lives with a poet in his head. He sees things through a different lens everything spins around his thoughts, one must admit, quite profound. It often keeps him up at night, the fear he won’t get it just right, that something might get away an errant word, a brilliant lyric verses that simply won’t obey. He has a story to tell, words woven with magic, sprinkled with wisdom, told in good time. And though he likes to, his words, they need not rhyme. He’s been gifted with a poet’s voice it’s a burden of his choice, Tens of thousands of words put down on paper though some days he still feels like an impersonator. How ridiculously absurd when he can’t find the words. Roses are red, violets are blue… these aren’t words that’ll make a poet out of you. Words that capture his thought and let the world in on it, that grab listeners and to another place transports. The voice in his head whispers, ‘you think you’re a great poet but alas my friend, I think you’re not!’ He mixed his words today but should have voided them, those that got away. Truthful, foolish words that should never have found the air. He should have paused a moment, perhaps offered a prayer. Words carry tremendous weight dispensed without wisdom, can unleash a cruel fate. The poet is rendered idle. There are no words. How absurd, how absurd. When laughter fails
I will walk the contour of the road the short three miles to where the ocean ebbs and flows. Where for centuries it has carved a crater in the sand and stone growing deeper each day exposing the under belly of the thinking rock as it recedes with great surge to open waters. When laughter fails I will seek the highest northern peak alive with an afghan of colors as fall sets in stretching my mind and body as I reach to the sky. I know that somewhere in time everything and everyone will be one that I will again be united with those loved ones who have passed before me into the absolute surrendering of all worldly fears. When laughter fails I will revisit the words I spoke to her words that fell from my lips to her ears bonding us forever realizing how lucky I am to hear the words I said and how lucky I was to hear them as she did. Meeting me halfway to where we have gone together not alone anymore we hold hands as the sun falls and melts into the night beckoning tomorrow. When laughter fails I will look into the lessons to be learned with a more discerning eye. I’ll get back on life’s horse again and ride to my destiny smiling through my sorrows surrendering to the awe of life’s inevitability knowing full well there’s a quiet belly laugh on the other side of it. I’ve seen their anguish
I’ve seen them cry I’ve seen them stare life down right in the eye. I’ve seen them fight for their family and work hard for its good name. We’ve seen them put liars to roost and cheaters to shame. The greatest Country of them all, America, is the same. There’s just no pair we love more, whose growls we love to hear they’re the den mother and den father of us all they’re our momma and papa bear. The forest is deep and thick a cub could lose its way. The things they hear in school are opposite of what their parents say. They’re confused, as confused can be but at days end, they needn’t be. Parents know what’s best for their cub they’re the calm in the midst of all the hubbub. Their thoughts, wisdom and teaching are wrapped up in in a mountain of love and guided by a plethora of prayers from above. There’s just no pair we love more, whose growls for those who need to fear, we love to hear. They’re the den mother and den father of us all, they’re our momma and papa bear. You no longer can pass the buck
Looks like you ran out of luck Most people are burned out to the nines The world’s pressing in We feel naked as sin We’re looking for a glimmer of hope So, I call out in the dark You can hear evil’s vicious bay The words over and over, again I’ll say A frantic call, I need to tell it all Is there a hero amongst us? One who can break from the pack One who’s able to separate us from the chaos which tries to hold us all back Is there a hero amongst us? One who seeks to carve the way to a righteous understanding that each of us seek today I don’t seem to have found that hero amongst us Even those who say they are, have failed to be Maybe the hero I’m looking for Is the hero deep within me Maybe, I shouldn’t look to others to show me the way to live the life I dream about every night and everyday Why do I keep searching for a hero? The ones I found have undoubtedly let me down Maybe I should look deeper within myself Perhaps that’s where a hero can be found No need to be the strongest or the most wise Just be the person amongst us who can live life without deception and lies One who looks at the glass of life as half full Who sees the silver lining in every cloud Who easily navigates life’s ebbs and flows Who’s not prideful but empowered by all that they know Who is tenacious and always finds a way The hero I’m looking for has the ability to give love in its purest form Love all others as themself and never cause anyone a bit of harm It seems that I can’t find a hero amongst us and even those who say they are, have failed to be Maybe the hero that I’m looking begins right here, with me It was his castle within his house,
a chair he appropriated only to himself. A safe haven from us all, a safe haven from the world, tattered and torn, it had a life all of its own. My father’s chair was his space, his place, his time to wrap himself up in his thoughts unencumbered by the presence of us all, in a house ever too small. A moat around it kept him out of reach. An invisible barrier no one dared to breach, or a different man they would greet. One they would not recognize; one they would not like to meet. Whatever it was that danced in his head, the entangled highway his memories fed, he kept far from his family, thoughts he never said. They were still too near for his liking, lurking like a bear, as he looked out from his fortress, as he looked out from his chair. Like many of the men of his generation who fought in the war, my father was world worn his innocence now obscure. He loved his children, our safety he vowed to maintain. His beloved wife understood too well, he was forever a changed man. Although a belly laugh occasionally escaped him, it was laced with something more, something grim. His family and most friends couldn’t understand the constant nightmares and unreasonable fear that kept him bound. His battle was invisible, but he’d experienced it all first hand. As he sat in his chair, he never let it show, his constant wrestling his demons to the ground. He never wanted us to know. Not formerly educated, my father was well read; A tradesman who worked with his hands but always used his head. Our hero could be quiet and stormy, but never violent. To me, he was nothing short of brilliant, Sitting in his chair, I can just see him right now, a wreath of smoke from his cigarette, hovering over him like a halo. I think of my father often, he left us years ago. With each passing day, I feel I know him better, and understand the man, whose presence is always at my center. His example shines a light as I wrestle in the day to day, trying to get it right. It was his castle within his house, a chair he appropriated only to himself. The lines furrow deeply on my face
and go to a destination unknown. The lines of sorrow have significantly grown because life’s challenges piled on. There is nothing to smooth them out, to make the furrows gone. Then there are those happy lines from times that brighten my smile. They used to come frequently but now, only once in a long while. There should be more of them but regrettably there’s not. Some of my happiest times unfortunately, I’ve forgot. Then there are those other lines random ones, that complete my facial map. These furrows are a pattern that every morning surprise me. A man much older than I am in the mirror, is the man I now see. As I look back anxiously my youthful skin is gone. It slipped away as the years passed by and the hollows piled on. But every line has a story that can be proudly told. I hope to reflect on all of them before I get too old. When I was a young man the mirror was very kind. I used to stare at myself quite a bit, I thought I looked divine. I am an older man, older by many years and my face now shows the map of my life, my hopes, my loves, my tears. It may look like a quagmire scaled to the nines, but as I look back over all my years, I think that that’s just fine. |